An open letter to Catholic Priests, everywhere, especially those who serve in the diocese in which I live...
June 10, 2012
Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of our Lord
Corpus Christi)
Dear Catholic Priests,
I'm begging you, please, please,
PLEASE say the
black and
do the red. The prayer does say "
for many"
NOT "for all." Don't change the Eucharistic prayer to suit your desire to appear inclusionary (remember Code of Canon Law c.838 and the
Constitution of the Sacred Liturgy?). There are distinct theological reasons "
pro multis" means "
for many," not the least of which is that the prayer directly quotes Scripture (see today's Gospel if you need proof).
Thank you and may God richly bless you in the service to His flock.
A faithful and liturgically orthodox Catholic