Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Happiness is...

Remember those "Happiness is..." cartoons?  You know, the ones with the little guy and flowers from the 1970's?  I happened to think about that comic strip series and I decided to create a "Happiness is..." litany here:

Happiness is...

...having my dog immediately roll over when she sees me so I can give her a big ol' belly rub
...the sound of a child laughing
...a blue sky with white wispy clouds
...seeing swirls of Damascus Rose incense rise to the cupola at church and going home and smelling its sweet fragrance in my hair and on my clothes
...kissing hands, kissing head and cuddle time with my sons at bedtime
...a funny knock-knock joke (anyone know one?)
...a well crafted pun
...teaching my kids about Faith, church, life, love and God
...homemade presents for Mother's Day
...a good iPhone app
...a warm bed on a cold and rainy night.
...a loving husband who puts up with all my medical mysteries
...great friends
...a tall mug of hot English breakfast tea in the morning
...being able to drive the kids to school in my jammies
...teasing my husband on Facebook
...making my kids laugh so hard they cry
...making myself laugh so hard I cry
...listening to God
...soft goat cheese and lox on an onion bagel
...the song birds sing early in the morning on a "backcountry" campout.
...a full harvest moon in a partly cloudy, moisture heavy sky.
...a shooting star
...when my son works really hard at making his writing better and comes home with his first "A" on a writing assignment.
...Praying the rosary.
...Eucharistic adoration on Tuesdays before picking the boys up from school.

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